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PAST NEWS - Sept 16 to July 17

Oakley Carnival 2017 - Saturday 15th July


Today has been a wonderful day for our Pre-school.  

Despite the rain everyone still turned up (dressed to impress) to show a real sense of solidarity for the Pre-school. The aeroplane, crew and passengers all looked amazing and we think everyone enjoyed the flight!


Thank you to everyone who helped make our plane and decorated flags for their children to wear, dressed up and and came along to walk with us in the carnival. All our hard work paid off, even if we were a little soggy from the rain, we defended our title and we are the Oakley Carnival 2017 Procession Winners!

Scarecrow Trail
Saturday 15th-Sunday 16th July 

Our scarecrow entry for the Scarecrow Trail is up at the front of pre-school. Please don't forget to get your carnival programme from the Post Office. You can follow the trail, today and tomorrow. Don't forget to vote for your favourite scarecrow!

Safety Week

A fun safety week, learning about how to stay safe near water and using tools safely.

Fun Dog Show


On Sunday 21st May we are again running our ever popular dog show event. The field directly behind the Pre-school is where we will be set up. Do come along and support us, there is a selection of things to enjoy including a bouncy castle, ice cream van, homemade cakes and games. 

Registration is from 1.30pm, the dog show starts at 2pm.

disco flyer
Pre-school Disco

We had a wonderful time dancing to lots of groovy music on Saturday 26th March. The support from everyone was overwhelming and we raised a great amount of money for the Pre-school. Thank you to everyone involved.

Mother's Day


We are busy preparing for Mother's Day this week. The children are having a wonderful time making lots of special gifts for the special women in their lives.

Mother's day painting
Mother's day flowers
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